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Putting Together and Installing Your Prism Moss Pole

The pieces in your kit

Your prism moss pole kit will contain 6 perspex panels that will create two modules, namely a bottom and top module. Each module is made up of 3 perspex panels. The bottom module is the part which goes directly into the pot while the top module fits snuggly on top of the bottom module. If your plant is small, you can start off with just the bottom module and only add the top module when required.

The bottom module pieces are as follows:

The top module pieces are the other 3 pieces in the set.

Additionally, included in the kit is 1 x bag of Chilean sphagnum moss, 3 x bottom and top module connectors and 33 cable ties.

Putting together your prism moss pole

1. If your perspex panels have a protective cover on them, take it off. Be careful not to drop the pieces as although they are durable, they are susceptible to cracking if dropped.

Once the protective covers are torn off, the pieces will be crystal clear

2. Identify the correct way to put the pieces together. The pieces need to be put together in the correct way. You will know that it is the correct way when all the holes of the panels align perfectly. The pieces in your set will make a bottom module and a top module. The “Poles & Plants” logo will be on the outside of the pole – place this piece face down on a surface. Place the other two pieces of the respective module next to this piece and fit them together like a puzzle. The pieces are in the correct orientation if all of the rectangular holes on the sides of the pieces align. See the pictures for the correct and incorrect orientations.

Once the correct orientation has been established, the pieces can be put together to make the modules. The sides facing up are the outside sides of the modules.

The orientation of the pieces is correct when the rectangles (shown by the red annotation) align
The incorrect orientation is when the rectangles (shown by the the red annotation) do not align

3. Using the cable ties provided, 15 per module, start to put together the pieces. Do not pull the cable ties tight initially. The cable ties are only to be pulled tight once all the cable ties have been installed. Thread a cable tie through the vertical orientated rectangle of one piece and then through the same vertical orientated rectangle of another piece. 

Thread the cable tie through the rectangular holes of the panels
  1. Once all 15 of the cable ties have been
    installed, the 3 pieces should come together
    to form a prism. If the pieces are orientated
    correctly, the “grooves” should fit together
The prism shape of the moss pole
  1. The cable ties should be loose as follows
    until the module is put together completely.
Cable ties not yet pulled tight
  1. One by one, little by little, carefully pull the
    cable ties tighter. Take care to ensure that
    the pieces form together perfectly and the
    grooves of each piece fit into each other.
    Once complete, all the cable ties should be
    pulled tight.
Cable ties are pulled tight with the grooves fitting together perfectly
  1. Use a pair of scissors to carefully cut the end
    pieces off of the cable ties.
Completed bottom module

8. Follow the same steps for putting together the top module. Do not fill the top module with moss until the top module is fitted to the bottom module.

Installing your prism moss pole

  1. Place the bottom module directly into an
    empty pot. 14cm pots work the best, but a
    bigger pot can be used if need be. The
    bottom side of the module that should be in
    the pot is the side that has the hexagon
    holes on all 3 sides. This is to allow the roots
    to eventually grown into the pole, anchoring
    it firmly in the pot.
The moss pole should sit right at the bottom of the pot. The bottom module has holes on all 3 sides of the pole so that the roots can grow unobstructed in the pot.
  1. Fill the pot with a layer of potting mix. I
    recommend using a very chunky mix for
    moss pole plants. The layer will stabilise the
    pole in the pot. To make the pole more
    stable, you can also use a layer of leca or
    small rocks. Use a paper funnel to fill the
    inside of the pole without dirtying the inside of the pole with soil.
Start off with a thin layer of soil or small rocks/leca to stabilise the pole in the pot
Use a sheet of paper to form a funnel to pour soil into the middle of the pole
  1. Pot up your plant. With moss poles, it is
    always best to start off with smaller plants
    on a pole. This is because the old nodes of
    larger plants will most likely not start to
    grow aerial roots and only the new nodes
    will grow aerial roots. A bigger plant will
    hence “waste” the moss pole real estate
    while a smaller plant will make the most out
    of it. That being said, there is nothing wrong
    with putting a larger plant onto a moss pole,
    just don’t expect the old nodes to root into
    the pole.
The plant should be positioned on the side with the holes in the pole as it will climb up the pole by rooting into the holes filled with oss
  1. Fill to the top with aroid mix. Don’t forget to
    fill the inside of the pole too!
  1. Fill the inside of the moss pole with the
    sphagnum moss provided. Take out any
    stringy parts in the moss or any sticks. Use a
    stick to push the moss down. Do not
    compact the moss too much in the moss
    pole. The moss should still be airy and
    “fluffy” in the pole.
  1. Use some string to make sure that the nodes
    of the plant are touching the moss. This will
    encourage the nodes to form aerial roots
    and root into the pole. Once the nodes root
    into the pole, you can remove the string.
Nodes should be secure so that they touch the moist moss. This will assist with encouraging aerial roots to grow.
  1. Remember to water the moss pole and pot thoroughly after potting the plant. Try to keep the moss moist at all times.

Stacking the modules together

  1. Use the 3 module connectors provided and slot them into the grooves on the top of the bottom module.
  1. Slot the top module onto the top of the bottom module. The connectors should slot into the grooves on the bottom of the top module.
  1. Use the 3 additional cable ties to secure the top module to the bottom module. This step is optional. Folding the cable ties to make a “u” shape makes it easier to thread the cable tie through the holes of the bottom and top module.
  1. Fill to the top module with sphagnum moss.
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